Tuesday 14 January 2014


Asthma – Asthma is a condition that affects the airways that carry air to and from lungs. It is an incurable disease that can be managed with balanced diet, proper life style and good treatment so that person can lead a normal life
– It is a condition that is probably due to the combination of genetic and environmental factors. Exposure to number of substances like pollen, dust, perfumes, smoke, animal dander, some food items etc can trigger allergy and produce signs and symptoms.


·       Chest pain or chest tightening.

·       Shortness of breath
·       Coughing or wheezing
·       Disturbed sleep due to wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.
·     In some people symptoms flare up in certain situations like after exercise or heavy exertion

          Best AYURVEDIC Treatment of ASTHMA at PLANET AYURVEDA

Planet Ayurveda Recommend The Following Combo Pack for The Treatment of Allergy Naturally:
Aller-G careTulsiPraanrakshak
$ 22.95$ 31.00$ 24.95
1 Pack (200 Grams)2 Bottles2 Bottles
Total price = $ 100.85
Total price after discount = $ 79.95

 Buy Now
No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!
Aller-G care2 capsules twice daily with plain water
Tulsi1 table spoon twice daily with plain water
Praanrakshak2 caps twice daily with plain water

As asthma (tamak shwas) is not a curable disease, Ayurvedic treatment of asthma or Ayurvedic treatment for asthma is considered to be best. According to ayurveda, imbalance of three energies in the body results in various health issues. Nature is surrounded with many useful herbs that acts as ayurvedic medicines and have positive effects on different body parts. Ayurvedic medicines which are known for their actions on respiratory tract infections are kanthkari, vasa, bharangi, tulsi, haridra, ashwagandha, yastimadhu, pippali, shirish etc.

We at planet ayurveda offer an effective Asthma care pack to have relief from symptoms. This asthma care pack includes Tulsi capsules, Praan rakshak churn and Aller- G care capsules. These wonderful formulations are made from various ayurvedic medicines which are well described in ayurveda.

Praanrakshak churna  -  Praan Rakshak  churn is purely a herbal formulation prepared out of various marvelous herbs that are very well known for their actions on respiratory tract infections. Kanthkari, shirish and bharangi acts as powerful antihistamines that cure asthmatic attacks. Vasa and madhuyasti helps in breaking mucus plug.

Tulsi capsules  - Tulsi capsules is an helpful formulation that has fantastic effects in many diseases like diabetes, cancer, auto immune disorders, chronic rhinitis, asthma, allergy etc.

Aller – G care capsules  -  Aller – G care capsules is purely a herbal supplement which is blend of various herbs known for anti-aging and anti-inflammatory actions. It has ayurvedic medicines - neem, ashwagandha, shirish and haridra. All these herbs are beneficial in treating all types of allergy especially in pollen allergy.

These three pure herbal formulations make best Ayurvedic treatment for asthma which is not known to have any side effect!

Some guidelines along with asthma care pack
v Take up to 10 drops of garlic juice in warm water internally.
v Make a paste of black resin dates, long pepper and honey in equal quantity. Take one teaspoon of it every morning with warm milk.
v Take two teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in one liter of water and let it boil for almost 30 minutes. Strain the liquid and add up to 2 teaspoon of ginger juice with 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Mix well and drink one glass of it every morning.
v Mix one teaspoon of Indian gooseberry powder with one teaspoon of honey. Have this every early morning to get relief from symptoms.
v Prepare a paste with mustard oil with rock salt and apply over chest.
v Drink hot water two to thrice time a day in a cup sip by sip.
v Avoid fried, processed foods and eating late at night.
v Avoid food items that has tendency to produce phlegm like rice, milk, cheese, sugar, curd etc.
v Cover up yourself and avoid exposing to cold breeze that can aggravate symptoms like cough, wheezing etc.
v Practice Pranayam (Anulom and Vilom).

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